Manufacture, Storage, and Import
of Hazardous Chemicals (MSIHC) Rules, 1989 are very important and must be
followed by every chemical industry. These rules are implemented by the
Ministry of Environment & Forests through the Department of Environment,
Forests, and Wildlife. Every chemical factory inspector must be known MSIHC
Rules, 1989. So we prepared Multiple Choice Questions Based on MSIHC Rule,
1989. This will be very helpful to check how much they know about the MSIHC
Rule, 1989.
These MCQs of MSIHC Rule, 1989
are prepared from the official government documents available on the official
websites. So if the candidates are looking for the MSIHC Rule, 1989 exam
questions and answers then it will best one for them. We prepared it like a
Frequently Asked Questions on MSIHC Rules, 1989 that have multiple choice
questions to solve which makes it very interactive for the candidates to learn
it very interactively.
Multiple Choice Questions Based
on MSIHC Rules are very useful for the candidates who are preparing for the
food and drug inspector, industrial safety inspector, or central or state
pollution board job posts.
You Should Read: How to Get Good Marks in Competitive Exams
MCQs of MSIHC Rule Content
MCQs of MSIHC Rule include multiple choice questions on the very important topics that must be known
by the chemical factory inspector such as threshold quantity of hazardous
chemicals, safety report as per schedule 8, hazardous chemical act, hazardous
substances rules, flammable liquid storage rules India, chemical storage
license India, chemical accident rules, etc.
The Manufacture, Storage, and
Import of Hazardous Chemicals (MSIHC), Rules, 1989 comes under the Environment
(Protection) Act, 1986. Its objective is to prevent major accidents arising
from industrial activities and limit the effects of such accidents. The MSIHC
Rules, 1989 include 684 hazardous chemicals based on Toxicity, Flammability,
and Explosiveness.
MSIHC Rules, 1989 also amended
in the year 2000 as published as The Manufacture, Storage, and Import of
Hazardous Chemical (Amendment) Rules, 2000.
Books For Reading: Hazardous Waste Management
Online Mock Test on MSIHC Rules
These MCQs on the MSIHC Rules are
like a free online mock test that will be very helpful to cross-check your
knowledge level about the rules. There are more than 30 multiple-choice
questions on MSIHC Rules that will you have to solve within the time limit.
To solve every question there are
only one minute is allotted so solve each within the time limit for each
question. There are four options for a question and you have to select the
correct option. If you select the correct option then you will get one mark and
for a wrong answer, there is no marks deduction.
MSIHC Rules 1989 Mock Test
- MSIHC Rules 1989 Mock Tests
- Topic Wise Quiz Test
- The questions are given in English language only
- You will get 60 seconds to answer each question.
- Know your score when the test is complete
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Disclaimer: All MSIHC Rules multiple choice questions and answers are prepared with accuracy but we do not claim 100% accuracy so please check the answers yourself also because there is the chance of mistyping.