The Advance Power Electronics and
Control course is freely available on the NPTEL website for Electronics
Engineering and for Electrical and Electronics Engineering students. Where
students can learn lots of things like what is electronic power control, what
is advanced power management && power apps, etc?
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We prepared the MCQs on Advance
power electronics and Control which are totally based on the assignment
questions with answers that are already been asked previously in the NPTEL
course module. This course is very nicely presented by Prof. Avik Bhattacharya,
who is working as an Assistant Professor at the Department of Electrical
Engineering of IIT Roorkee.
Advance Power Electronics and
Control MCQs include all weekly assignment questions and answers of previous
years that are asked weekly during the course during. These MCQs on Advance
power electronics and Control will be like a question bank and will be very
helpful for the students.
Advance Power Electronics and Control Course Syllabus
This is an 8-week course that has
41 lectures with 8 assignments that students have to submit timely every week.
This course will cover the modern topics of Power Electronics in terms of
switches, topologies, and control. It explains the application of Power
Electronics in drives, Power Systems, Renewable Energy, and other utility.
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Students will learn in detail the
application of Power Electronics including all these fields with advanced
switching topology and modern control techniques. This course will be very
helpful for students to upgrade to the fast-changing Power Electronics industry.
Books For Reading: Advance Power Electronics and Control
The details of the weekly lecture
syllabus are given below.
- Week 1: Basic Concept of Switches and Device Physics
- Week 2: Device Physics, Application, and Analysis of Switches and Single Phase Converter
- Week 3: Single Phase Converter, Three Phase Converter, Multipulse Converter and Effect of Source Inductance and PWM Rectifiers
- Week 4: PWM Rectifiers and Power Factor Improvement Techniques and Non-isolated DC-DC Converters
- Week 5: Non-isolated and isolated DC-DC Converters and Choppers
- Week 6: Isolated DC-DC Converters IV and VSI & CSI, MLI and ZSI
- Week 7: SVM, AC to AC Converters, Cycloconverter, and Matrix Converter
- Week 8:Linear Control in Power Electronics, Nonlinear Control in Power Electronics, Applications and Conclusions.
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Benefits of Advance Power Electronics and Control MCQs
All MCQs on Advance power
electronics and Control are based on the core syllabus given on the NPTEL
website. Advance power electronics and Control MCQs are prepared in a very
interactive quiz format that will be helpful to practice and get the NPTEL
certificate easily. After solving the Advance power electronics and Control
assignment MCQs with answers students will become familiar with which type of
questions will be asked in the final certificate course examination and they
could solve the questions very easily during the exam. On the Mock Test Master
website, there is no sign-up, sign-in, registration, mobile number, or email id
required to solve the Power Electronics MCQs questions.
Advance Power Electronics and
Control Assignment Answers of 2020
NPTEL Mock Test
- NPTEL Mock Tests for Computer Based Test Preparation
- Weekly Assignment Wise Quiz Test
- The questions are given in English language only
- You will get 60 seconds to answer each question.
- Know your score when the test is complete
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Disclaimer: All NPTEL MCQs on Advance power electronics and Control are prepared carefully but we do not guarantee 100% accuracy so please check the answers yourself also because there is the chance of typo error.