Big Data Computing MCQ Online Test

Big Data Computing MCQ Online Test

Nowadays everything is digital, computer, or AI-based that recording large amounts of data every second such as climate information, social media site posts, digital, GPS signals, banking, financial data, shopping data, pictures, and videos that watch from cell phones.

This huge amount of digital data is generated regularly by different velocities and varieties are handled by Big Data Computing. By analyzing through various computer software which is based on statistical and quantitative analysis to convert powerful insights.

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Big Data Computing MCQ Online Test is completely based on the NPTEL Big Data Computing online certification course weekly assignments questions and answers. This MCQ on Big Data Computing questions and answers will be helpful for further NPTEL assignments and online exams.

Big Data Computing online certificate course is freely available on the NPTEL website which is conducted by Prof. Rajiv Mishra, who is working in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at the Indian Institute of Technology, Patna.

Books For Reading: Big Data Computing

NPTEL Big Data Computing Course Content

NPTEL's Big Data Computing course aims to provide a basic introduction to the most common frameworks such as Apache Spark, Hadoop, MapReduce, etc. Big data storage technologies such as NoSQL databases, Apache Cassandra, HBase, etc. Big Data Analytics using Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Graph Processing, etc.

NPTEL Big Data Computing course is divided into an 8-week course. The complete list of week-wise lectures is given below.

  • Week 1: Introduction to Big Data
  • Week 2: Introduction to Enabling Technologies for Big Data
  • Week 3: Introduction to Big Data Platforms
  • Week 4: Introduction to Big Data Storage Platforms for Large-Scale Data Storage
  • Week 5: Introduction to Big Data Streaming Platforms for Fast Data
  • Week 6: Introduction to Big Data Applications (Machine Learning)
  • Week 7: Introduction of Big data Machine learning with Spark
  • Week 8: Introduction to Big Data Applications (Graph Processing)

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Benefits of Big Data MCQ Online Test

Big Data Computing online MCQs test is very helpful for the NPTEL students and also to those who are learning Data Structure & Algorithms, Computer Architecture, Operating Systems, Database Management Systems, etc. So Big Data Computing is a very important course that students already learn in various computer science advance courses.

The Big Data Computing MCQ online test is prepared in a very interactive quiz format that would be very helpful for the students to last time quick revision of the full syllabus very easily.

Big Data MCQ Online Test

  • NPTEL Big Data Computing MCQ Online Test for Exam Preparation
  • Weekly Assignment Wise Quiz Test
  • The questions are given in English language only
  • You will get 60 seconds to answer each question.
  • Know your score when the test is complete

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Disclaimer: All Big Data MCQ Online Test assignment questions and answers are prepared carefully but we do not guarantee 100% accuracy so please check the answers yourself also because there is a chance of mistyping.

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