MCQs on Automation in Manufacturing

industrial automation mcq questions and answers

Automation in Manufacturing is very common nowadays in Industries of either sector, chemical, pharma, food, mobile, electronics, auto, etc. Automation is a common subject for engineering courses for engineering students. Students who are pursuing Electronic Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engineering, etc. learn Automation in Manufacturing.

The Automation in Manufacturing course is freely available on the NPTEL website for engineering students who want to learn it. We prepared the MCQs on Automation in manufacturing which is NPTEL course weekly assignment that is asked during the course module.

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This course is very nicely presented by Prof. Shrikrishna N. Joshi, currently, he is working as an Associate Professor in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati, India.

Automation in Manufacturing MCQs includes all weekly assignment questions and answers that are asked weekly during the course. These industrial automation MCQ questions and answers will be like a question bank and will be very helpful for the students.

Automation in Manufacturing Course Syllabus

This is a 12-week course that has 12 assignments that students have to submit timely every week. This course will cover the application of automated systems that improve the productivity of the manufacturing industry, what are the building blocks of a typical automated system, the principle of operation and construction details of sensors/transducers, actuators, drives and mechanisms, and hydraulic and pneumatic systems. It also includes microprocessor technology, programming, and CNC technology. Students will learn real-life examples, case studies based on manufacturing industry applications, etc.

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The details of the weekly lecture syllabus are given below.

  • Week 1: Introduction: Importance of automation in the manufacturing industry. Use of mechatronics. Systems required.
  • Week 2: Design of an automated system: Building blocks of an automated system, working principle, and examples.
  • Week 3: Fabrication: Fabrication or selection of various components of an automated system. Specifications of various elements. Use of design data books and catalogs.
  • Week 4: Sensors: a study of various sensors required in a typical automated system for manufacturing. Construction and principle of operation of sensors.
  • Week 5: Microprocessor Technology: signal conditioning and data acquisition, use of microprocessors or microcontrollers. Configurations. Working.
  • Week 6: Drives: electrical drives - types, selection criteria, construction, and operating principle.
  • Week 7: Mechanisms: Ball screws, linear motion bearings, cams, systems controlled by camshafts.
  • Week 8: Mechanisms: Electronic cams, indexing mechanisms, tool magazines, and transfer systems.
  • Week 9: Hydraulic systems: hydraulic power pack, pumps, valves.
  • Week 10: Hydraulic systems: designing of hydraulic circuits.
  • Week 11: Pneumatic systems: configurations, compressors, valves, distribution, and conditioning.
  • Week 12: CNC technology: basic elements, interpolators, and programming.

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Benefits of Automation in Manufacturing MCQs

All MCQs on Automation in Manufacturing are based on the core syllabus given on the NPTEL website. Automation in manufacturing MCQ questions is prepared in a very interactive quiz format that will be helpful to practice and get the NPTEL certificate easily.

After solving the Automation MCQs with answers students will become familiar with which type of questions will be asked in the final certificate course examination and they could solve the questions very easily during the exam. On the Mock Test Master website, there is no sign-up, sign-in, registration, mobile number, or email id required to solve the automation in manufacturing MCQ questions.

Automation in Manufacturing Assignment Answers of 2020

NPTEL Mock Test

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  • Weekly Assignment Wise Quiz Test
  • The questions are given in English language only
  • You will get 60 seconds to answer each question.
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Disclaimer: All NPTEL MCQs on Automation in Manufacturing are prepared carefully but we do not guarantee 100% accuracy so please check the answers yourself also because there is the chance of typo error.

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