MCQs on Ratio and Proportion Online Mock Test

MCQ on ratio and proportion for class 6

Ratio and Proportion is a very basic topics in Maths that is students learned in class 6 or 7th and also in further classes. Lots of Ratio and Proportion MCQs are asked in various competitive exams under the Quantitative Aptitude test like RRB PO, RBI Assistant, ISBP Clerk, SBI PO, SBI Clerk, ISBP PO, SSC, Railway exams, NDA, MAT, CAT, etc.

The quantitative aptitude test includes the MCQs on Ratio and Proportion questions so by practicing multiple objective-type questions on ratio and proportion with answers students will get good marks in the exam. Here we prepared the Ratio and Proportion MCQ online free mock test for candidates that have more than 50 questions to solve.

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This Ratio and Proportion MCQ online test includes questions related to Class 6 to 7 Maths Ratio and Proportion chapters of NCERT books that have questions already asked in competitive exams also. These MCQs on Ratio and Proportion questions have to solve in a very limited time, so practicing these Ratio and Proportion MCQ online tests will be very useful for everyone.

Here we have given in brief, Ratio and Proportion formulas for the various conditions. These formulas will be helpful in solving our Ratio and Proportion MCQ online test. Our MCQs on Ratio and Proportion online test is available for candidates free of cost and there is no payment or registration required.

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Basic Ratio and Proportion Formulas

Ratio and Proportion are a very basic topic that has only a few formulas that are taken from the NCERT maths class textbooks maths books of classes 6 to 10. Here we listed some of the basic formulas that will be helpful to solve the Ratio and Proportion MCQs online test.

Books For Reading: Ratio and Proportion


The ratio gives the relation between two quantities that are measured in the same unit. The ratio of A to B is written as A: B or A/B, where A is called the antecedent and B the consequent.


Proportion is an expression in which two ratios are equal. For example

A: B :: C: D or A/B =C/D

So, AD = BC

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MCQs on Ratio and Proportion Online Test Topics

This online test includes the Ratio and Proportion of MCQ on profit-sharing ratio, Mixture, Allegation, Partnership, etc.

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Salient Features of MCQs on Ratio and Proportion

MCQs on Ratio and Proportion online tests for competitive exams are prepared for candidates who are giving the competitive exam for government jobs like Railway exams, NDA, LIC, SSC, MAT, CAT, SBI PO, SBI Clerk, ISBP PO, SSC, etc. and other entrance exams for admission in UG or PG degree courses.

All MCQs on Ratio and Proportion are very helpful for competitive exams. This is a completely 100% free online mock test on the Ratio and Proportion.

There is only one minute allotted to solve each and every question so the candidate has to solve the question within one minute. After time-up and the question will mark un-attempted.

These MCQs on Ratio and Proportion with answers are completely free of cost for students there is no registration, sign-up, or payment required to solve these questions.

Candidates can solve these 100% free MCQs online tests without registration and by giving their mobile number or email id.

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Disclaimer: All MCQs on Ratio and Proportion online tests for competitive exams with answers are prepared with accuracy but we do not claim 100% accuracy so please check the answers yourself also because there is a chance of mistyping.

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